Sunday, 5 July 2020

Big and little bullies.

Big and little bullies.
The year was 1958, and the world was changing as it always does. My parents moved from the farm to a new town and I discovered bullies. I was a skinny tiny kid with a heart condition, (no running and jumping) with a name that singled me out as a minority. By the end of the first day of school, the two worst bullies in the class were already competing for the title of who will harass the new kid worst.
One day both were on me twisting and punching when a young soldier on leave from the army scattered them and lifted me up. We sat down under a tree and he gave me some advice. Those guys will not leave you alone, he said. But my mother said not to pay attention and tell the teacher, I sputtered. Does it work? My big new friend asked, and I shook my head from side to side. It doesn’t he said. They pick on you because it’s easy.
Bullies, my friend went on, will pick on you and other little kids until they are made to pay a price. But, I have a heart condition, I mumbled, and he reached over pinching the skin on my belly hurting me and said with a cold, stern voice, they must pay a price. I am small, I answered, how can I hurt them back? He answered. God will help you will find a way. There are many.
The young man stood up, and I noticed the confidence and power in him. Thank you, I started saying, and he cut me off. Don’t thank me, he said, only make a promise. When you get rid of the bullies, you will help others do the same, as I am doing here. We, the little guys, must help each other, and he was gone. My life was changed forever.
The year now is 2020. I lived my life trying not to abuse or bully others, and I always stood up to bullies and made them pay a price. To change someone’s behavior, you must first communicate in a language that they can understand. Bullies only understand hurting. After that, you can be a Christian and forgive, help, and forget. It works with humans and even with animals.
I watched a Canadian TV show interview John Bolton, the now fired national security advisor to Donald Trump. The interviewer asked what should we do about China’s retaliation for Canada arresting Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou at the request of the U.S.
Bolton replied in a way that reminded me of the Godfather who said, make them an offer that they can’t refuse. He bragged about what the US is doing for Canada, including “protecting us.” The US made us renegotiate NAFTA to give them a better deal at the expense of our people. They slapped tariffs on our products and tried to force us to spend more money on USA made weapons. What is he saying?
Looking at his eyes squint above his famous mustache, I realized. The bully is hinting that if we don’t pay for protection, (against whom?) something will happen to us. Perhaps Trump and Putin may divide Canada between themselves or even just take away the “northwest passage” which in the future could make us a lot of money. Bolton did say to think about our next step hard and long. He doesn’t remember that Canada went to war ahead of the US after Pearl Harbor.
I look at the world today and count my blessings that I am not the Prime Minister. All three major world bullies are sitting on us, each wanting us to take their side or they will hurt us. There is no-one bigger who can step in. I go back to the advice I received as a child. “God will help you find a way.”
The major powers are all being hit hard by a pandemic and their haste to save their economies set them back significantly. All have serious internal rifts with their own compromised populations.
The soldier who saved me from the bullies in fifty-eight said that the little guys must help each other and stick together. I don’t have a crystal ball, but the picture is becoming clear. It is one possibility out of many, but it can happen.
The US, European Union, China, and India who are made of many nations are all erecting borders within. The Soviet Union and the British Empire are gone. We should fear great wars flaming up, but something else is happening.
People all over the world are restlessly demonstrating against governments. I read their signs and a new reality is emerging in my mind. They are fighting now for equality amongst humans, for a cleaner environment, for freedom from oppression imposed by the old ruling elites. There is even sympathy in Canada for the native population demanding decision power over the lands we permitted them to keep.
Surely there are many who wish to keep the advantages they gained by force, but the less powerful are waking up and gaining momentum. Scores of white people are supporting “Black Lives Matter” and churchgoers are speaking for gay rights. Old religious institutions are struggling with women clergy filtering in and young people are fighting for the welfare of handicapped old people to live with dignity and receive care.
As the symbols of old-world oppression are being toppled, there is a feeling of “resurrection” in the air. People armed with new technologies, disillusioned with the consumerism fake rewards and the short-lived pleasure of vacations, are demanding a stop to the culture of bullying. There is a yearning for a solid wholesome simple life instead of a “chance” of being like the Trump family.
“But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of hosts hath spoken it.”   Micah 4:4
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