Discrimination, the hardest thing to beat.
Who is not against discrimination? I can imagine all who read my words here saying, I hate discrimination. But…..and here comes a list of reasons why discriminating against others is justified. Often it is the people from the group suffering from discrimination who speak most loudly against their own kind. We tie discrimination to people’s status and those who achieved a better status put down the rest who didn’t. I think in the bible there is a saying about the worst slave master is one who used to be a slave. I heard some of the best jokes about colored people, gay people, and women from gays, blacks, and girls. I repeated the stories. I am as guilty as any.
When I was young, I was a Christian kid in Israel and most people were survivors of the holocaust. Naturally, there was discrimination against Christians and my adolescent mind rebelled against being a Christian. When the teachers spoke about the cruelty of Christians, I hated it.
I arrived in high school about two months after the school year began, since we just moved. I came to the classroom, and the teacher introduced me and said pick an empty seat. There were three to choose from. One was beside a boy my age who by his features was obviously a Palestinian. I thought quickly that he looked most like Christ would and sat beside him. Later I learned that he was a Christian Arab. The other kids didn’t think I made a good choice.
Christ was not a white person, and Mary and Joseph were brown as well. Now some people are talking about removing statues and paintings that are not historically correct. Those who cry that we can’t destroy or remove our history only wish to preserve historical images of white heroes but not show the historical truth. They don’t like to worship a brown Jesus.
The popular outcry is that by acknowledging discrimination against darker hue people we are creating reverse discrimination against whites. Sad for them that also includes the females of the white society. If we look closer, we see that discrimination includes much of the white population. Gays, people of lower IQ, people with mental illness, some religious affiliations, and most of the poor, all suffer from discrimination. It is in the schools, at work, in the courts and even in some families. We find ways to make others inferior to us and keep them that way.
A white friend said to me, I am not responsible for my people benefiting from discrimination 200 years ago. You are right, my friend. I am innocent of Christians discriminating against Jews in Europe also. So why were the Israeli kids not sitting next to a Christian Palestinian in school?
We are preconditioned to fight for higher status from kindergarten on. That is our motivation for working harder and achieving a better life. We cannot do it without someone else being in some way lower than ourselves. It is very obvious in kids of High School age. You can just observe them wearing expansive popular fashions. We make a show of those who run or swim faster or get higher grades. Everyone wants to be a high achiever and many make a living by teaching courses or writing books about getting ahead of other people.
It is great to be singled out for winning but those who lose, often born disadvantaged, are sharing our world. There are always many who are kept down by systemic discrimination. However, the world is waking up to it. I see more white than black people demonstrating wanting justice for black people. The world of tomorrow is going to be different.
First, there is growing momentum for saving the Earth. Young people are educated enough to understand that we are settling them with a huge deficiency. It is not the national debt of each country owed to banks; it is a carbon and pollution debt. They are demanding air, water and food for themselves and their kids.
Second is our focal point, which must change from animal to human. In nature, the strongest and largest dominates and eats the others. We were blessed with a higher level of knowledge. By having language, humans are able to communicate complicated ideas and act as a society not based on the strongest individual. Some of our most valuable thinkers are humans who couldn’t survive without the help of others.
Third, we are aware of the existence of an internal force we have named a soul or consciousness. A large majority of humans in the past and present sensed the soul and placed it higher than the physical animal body. It is the observer of the material world who is capable of love, hate, and so on.
The world is facing a new enemy. It forced us to fear for our lives and destroy the system we call our economy. It proved that we can live without everyone having jobs and forced us to function with money playing a new role. We are keeping ourselves alive and ignoring who will make money or not. It is working. The goal is to keep humans alive, not to get to the top by killing our humanity in the process.
I can’t believe what I am seeing. People are getting to know their families. Pollution is down, wildlife is rebounding. Politicians (aside from some,) are concerned with the wellbeing of kids and the elderly. People are demonstrating care for others by wearing masks. People relearned how to bake bread and visit places in their own countries. It is a new world we are waking up to.
I never thought that in this lifetime I will see the day when in front of the white house and the richest neighborhood of the world the street will display “Black Lives Matter” signs. There are many sides to history but the fight is ours.
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