Seen an angry raven yet?
I don’t
watch the Lethbridge news often, but I just did. I normally try not to rant
without giving some positive or spiritual comments, but I am at the end. Where
is the good stuff to write about? Where is my provincial response to the crisis
we are facing? Are “our friends” in Edmonton aware that we are in trouble? Are
they going to rescue the old Pass Herald which has been a source of information
to 6000 spread out hard-working Alberta rural residents? I don’t think they
even know that we exist when it is not election time.
Lethbridge news today covered a few items. Our schools are being gutted,
starting with the most vulnerable kids who are losing the teaching assistants,
councilors and any other help. Sundre is losing half of its doctors. Women in labour will
be transported to give birth. The list is too long to repeat here.
At the same
time, I see my Premier announcing that Albertans, that’s us, are financing the
Keystone Pipeline to the tune of a billion and a half dollars which will
provide 7000 jobs for a while and help export our expensive oil after refining
it in Texas. That is the US body. You said that they are gouging us. We lost
hundreds of thousand jobs because we are beating a dead horse, oil that is too
expensive to sell when the Saudis can just open a valve a few turns more and
sell theirs for $5.00. I am not a businessman, but I smell fish.
have been to hospitals in Alberta every few years. In the late sixties, I
just walked into the General Hospital and received treatment. It became worse. In
the nineties, there were dozens of us sitting for many hours waiting in
Emergency for a nurse to see us. The old General was imploded. In the
seventies, I worked and paid for my University education. After 2000 my
daughter got a BA and was left to pay a huge bill. Now that she is a nurse,
they want her to reuse a mask and endanger herself and her family.
We had our
good times when oil was over $100 a barrel. These were the times in which we
gutted our institutions. Governments built infrastructure like hospitals and
understaffed them.
silent human killer came to change all that, in a brutal way.
I look at
news from the US again. The New York Times has an article about Donald Trump
offering that the government will pay hospitals to treat COVID patients. This
is a Single-Payer Health Care system. The sky in cities is blue again, and
families are getting to know each other.
This time we
were caught with our pants down. “We humans” built infrastructures that can’t
survive facing nature. Even if there is no pandemic in the next fifty years, we
know that there is a large scale disaster looming thanks to our burning things
for energy. We will face a crisis of epic proportions. The solution is
regulating ourselves now when we still can. Like any machine we ever built,
high and low limits must be installed for our safety.
Our biggest
problem is that we are intertwined with an economy structured for selfishness
and we are far away from advanced countries who care about their populations
and invest in them. Our hospitals are at the low end of civilized countries,
and we are cutting their budgets. No wonder there is a high demand for assisted
The solution
is obvious. Call it Democratic Socialism or another name. Soon Artificial
intelligence will leave half the people out of work. The dying oil
industry will do the same. We must have lower and upper limits installed. The
lowest amongst us must be able to sustain basic life.
A poor child
may become the next genius who will save the world, eg. Jesus, so he or she
needs education, medicine, food, and shelter. If we don’t sustain all the
world’s population, we are in great danger. Next is the high limit. The most
skilled and ambitious person should be rewarded highly. Let them live in a
beautiful house, have a private jet, eat-in golden plates, but no more. All
income must be taxable in the place where it is earned. People shouldn’t
inherit great wealth and be like the Donald and his kids. They must earn
leadership and power each time.
I admire
people who are born with titles and money and give it up, but I would
mandate that they will. We should never give huge rewards to the richest and
borrow it back in times of disasters. We should never pay “investors” for using
our money to enhance their profits.
By the time
you read these words, it should be Easter. We tend to think about Easter
as the resurrection. People like the warm fuzzy positive story. They miss the
real story, which is harder to digest. It is a story of a leader who showed in
an example that you and I should do the right thing. There is no other way
available. Some will cheat and bear false witness, others will be scared and
deny they even know you. Your pretend friends will sell you (for 30 silvers)
while the duty-bound will crucify you.
Our job is
to do what will save people and the rest of God’s creation. Don’t be the
cheater and don’t deny the needy because some people are backstabbers and
cheats. Teach the truth to those who listen and have faith that all will be set
right by a power that we do not understand on the conscious level. Ignore the
bad news, do what is right, and the good news will come. Do what is right.
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free to check other articles and comment.
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