Sunday, 29 March 2020

A virus war story.

 A virus war story.
The country is in trouble, worse than it was when we declared war after Pearl Harbour. This is a time such as most living Canadians have never experienced in their lifetime. We are under attack from two, perhaps three fronts at the same time, and our people are becoming casualties. It is not only soldiers who are falling, but mostly civilians right at their homes, towns, and cities.
To survive the war, we will need co-operation from all of us to an unprecedented level. It will take self-sacrifice, and the ability to go on fighting even under stress, deprivation, isolation, and losses. 
A space historian recorded his impressions. He was studying primitive physical cultures close to entering the transition to a spiritual existence. He was visible to his own kind but not to earthly humans yet for those who saw him; he looked humanoid.
I saw a world of bipedal intelligent creatures who built and developed an amazing civilization. They are amazing not only in their ability to build and develop but also in working towards beauty and some ability for caring for each other. Some are great warriors but others developed humanitarian tendencies and empathy towards each other and even towards animals they share the world with. As in other worlds, humans were not all of the same mind, but generally, they displayed the potential to be a force of good. They could not see me, or my vehicle, so I remained around the planet.
Humans in a relatively short time developed great technologies, amplifying their physical power and control over their environment. Their biggest quest is to overcome a process they call on their planet “evolution.” Their bodies and brains develop competitively, dropping the less able into oblivion. They do realize that they are spirits (like us Space Travelers) but they are unable to overcome the tempting physical plenty which surrounds them.
Since the Space Historian wasn’t subjected to the planetary time, he observed humans over hundreds of earthly years taking notes. The humans, he said, are not efficient in organization. They are concerned about advancement, but constant competition leads them to provide great rewards for a few who excel while ignoring the greater numbers, leaving the majority mostly unused for the greater good. The species could have been developing much faster if all its members were utilized. I conclude that the evolutionary system of the planet is the cause.
The Historian observed humans transitioning from a mainly agrarian society to an industrial age. People learned how to use mechanical means to augment their muscles. Later they studied the environment and developed advanced weapons for fighting each other. They improved communications and traveling. Not long after, Artificial Intelligence machines and the humans managed to leave the Earth’s atmosphere and return.
The Historian made some footnotes. Humans are attempting to travel to other areas of space but have a physical barrier. They do not understand nonphysical existence yet. They made up a story about God, which leads them to believe that He is less than what he is.
As humans began using satellite communications, the Historian began gathering mountains of information. In one of his notes, he described an observation.
Humans have been experimenting with governing themselves, but failed to discover and implement an efficient, equitable way. They designed communism to rule by consensus of the masses, but failed. A Democratic Capitalist system led the species towards destroying their world. Currently, the species is on “pause” by intervention they call an Act of God, which is threatening the civilization’s ability to survive.  
Epidemics affect primitive cultures greatly causing unforeseen changes. Some immediate and long-lasting, and others only show up a long time after. The humans coining of the event as an “act of God” is true. God, whom humans envision as an all-powerful human. They designed an invisible creator who installed behaviours into creation to enhance and preserve it. Humans call it the law of nature and are just beginning to discover its workings.
I was watching the creatures build cities and optimize technology while at the same time their ever-growing population lives deprived of basic needs. Their evolutionary system is handicapped by their inability to involve a great number of individuals and is hampered by the control of a few who often are not most advanced or capable.
Almost all sicknesses and disasters meet a response from the supreme mind of the universe. As I expected, a plague, they named COVID 19, entered the humans' world atmosphere threatening to wreak havoc and demanding reaction. They are forced to use their opposing governing systems and expose weaknesses and strengths. 
In less than a month, most of the advanced nations on Earth instituted measures to isolate populations, bringing the world economy to a standstill. The reaction of the panicked populace exposed the truth that the economy was built to benefit a few at the expense of the many keeping most humans at subsistence level unneeded. Also, a new wave of sharing engulfed humanity.
An oil-based economy that made energy unnecessarily expensive collapsed when production limits were lifted plunging the most affluent energy companies into useless status. The economy that was based on creating artificial scarcity has been exposed.
People connected by Social Media began to overthrow pretend Gods like money, sports, fame, and politics. A new appreciation dawned on the value of community, family, and the benefit of caring for each other. As the casualties are mounting, there is a feeling that there is an invisible hand directing events to help humans preserve their civilization.
The space historian finished his notes and said a little prayer for the creatures he was studying. Being a more advanced creature of their own kind, he had empathy and something called LOVE in human communications. His ancestors barely survived similar trials in their history. Humbly he attributed their survival to some invisible mind called God. Could God be using a simple, nonliving or thinking virus to shape things to come?
 Here is a link to my blog:  Feel free to check other articles and comment.

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