Monday, 6 November 2023

Good versus Evil.


 Good versus Evil.

Each of us can go back to the earliest memory of our life. It may be a genuine memory or one that we were told about. We also remember “the bad guys.” Our parents or guardians pass on to us the fear and hate of some others. In my case, it was the Nazis, followed by the Communists and the Arabs. They were all bad guys. My parent’s friends and the people they dealt with were the “good guys’, but we had to watch almost everyone since they could cheat us.

We had good German people, Russian and Arab friends, and neighbors, but the nation or race was scary. Humans need a boogie man who is worse than us. We don’t manage to be as good as some people are, but we can always find someone less than ourselves. We cheat in business and call it smart, but watch the less fortunate noticing their deficiencies. There is a fear of homeless people, for example. We don’t help them since they supposedly will use our money to buy cigarettes and booze; we say. Some undoubtedly will. Some high-class people will cheat all of us out of a lot of money and we will try to gain their favor. The same with politicians who gain from their positions. We shower them with compliments and they provide political favors in return.

There are signs that humans like us lived on Earth as far back as 200,000 years ago. We have evidence of writings from over 10,000 years ago. It seems as if the fight between good and evil always existed. Also, there was always a competition for leadership. People naturally fight for the alfa dog position. This is animal instinct behavior. There are always people who consider it differentiating between animals and humans. It is a conflict between those who look for selfish gain and others seeking cooperation for the benefit of all. The Athenians were developing democracy while the Spartans wanted strength at all costs.

There are still many people around who remember the time that Star Wars movie became a hit. That sci-fi piece of art depicted the distinction between good and evil and humanity's interaction with the supernatural.

It had the appeal of new special effects, great cinematography, and talented acting. The movie took the world by storm. To this day, there are people in Great Britain who formed an official religion around the principal theme of believing in the “Force”. It doesn’t take much imagination to guess what the “Force” is representing. I call it the universal mind, since its other more common name is no longer popular.

In Star Wars we witness a corrupt dark lord using the force for evil reasons, wanting to win the leadership of all intelligent life forms. The Force is an invisible great power humans can use for right or wrong if they know how. It plays with humans, seemingly to let us learn some lessons that it alone knows.

We can easily see in the Old Testament how the Gods (rolled into one) can be mean beyond our comprehension. Take, for example, Noah’s flood. People didn’t listen, so a flood killed the whole Earth’s population, women, children, and animals. Sodom and Gomorrah were obliterated supposedly for sexual misbehavior. The Egyptian people suffered the ten plagues after God hardened Pharaoh’s heart, leading him to anger God. In the end, all Egyptian firstborn males were killed, and Pharaoh’s army was drowned. God, or the Force was also used to punish His own people in the cruelest ways. It was a world in which the power of a spiritual being kept law and order using powers not available to the opposing force.

The entire picture was changed two thousand years ago when God fathered a son who walked the Earth in a human form. Now, words took the first place and people used miracles only minimally. The power of God was diverted to the use of wisdom. The son taught humans to be shepherds and what they must do themselves to have a perfect society on a healthy planet.

We struggled but couldn’t achieve the goal. In came a new idea from the art world. The Jedi of Star Wars. Humans trained beyond anything known so far, who used the Force for good instead of evil. They could fight, but fairly and only for the good.

A new option was discovered. The conflict now can be not for dominating and subjugating the world but for making it better for all while controlling evil by the only thing it understands. The measured use of force dominated by intellect and good intentions.  

There is no need for a strong man or emperor in that world. Power could be in the hands of each community designed for their circumstances. An educated, well-trained super moral Jedi cast can serve the Force, and the people aimed to build the perfect society. To preserve our humanity, we would combine old biological technology with artificial intelligence. Otherwise, we may be another failed experiment and something else will take our place. Future archeologists will dust our bones and artifacts trying to figure out where we went wrong.

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