Sunday, 17 September 2023

Is “Me” going to survive Death?


 Is “Me” going to survive Death?

Mom, I said, where was ”I“ before I was born? You were in mom’s tummy she said. But before that? She said something about angels but I didn’t get it. Later in life, I came back to that question many times as I was learning new things but never got an actual answer. It was obvious why. No one ever told me who “I” was. It wasn’t my body, and it wasn’t my soul. I am the one who has the body and soul, but I don’t know who is “I am”.

Now I am considered “old” and I am asking where will I be after this life is over. When the doctor said, “You have a tumor, and it’s cancerous,” the question became more urgent. There is only limited time for me to find out before I’ll go there and folks rarely come back to tell us. Some people think they are experts on the subject, but they leave me full of questions. Heaven, they call the place of the dead, or hell if you were bad enough, but they don’t say who is “me” that will go there. Will I look like my body? I hope not. I never felt that my body was that great at all.

The church that I was born into has many books and teachings, but even if you read them all, you can’t find the answer to my question. Who is me? I have a body that is designed carefully for this life. It starts as an embryo, grows, learns, and later works. It is always waiting for something in the future.

When I first asked my mom the question, I was only less than three feet tall. I was always waiting to be older, stronger, and smarter, but when I did, I was waiting to be older and smarter yet. Never reached the point at which I can say I know. I waited to be an adult, to graduate, get a promotion, have kids, raise them, and every year go for vacations.

Life is a gift of time in a human body in which we play a game. The game has billions of potential moves since we play it with all the billions of people who are also playing and with the entire world. It doesn’t stop with the world since there is a universe that houses the world and it has no end. The part that makes it more interesting is the human invention called time. We are designed to function for up to about a hundred years and we know it. Do what you wish, if you can, but there will be an end. What comes after the end is a mystery that we can’t solve, only guess at.

I am not good at guessing. However, if I knew what comes after death, would I be the same? I refuse to believe that after this life I will sleep forever and all that I learned will be wasted.

As I struggle with those philosophical questions, another dimension arrives and gains popularity. It comes mostly with the young people playing with artificial intelligence gadgets. What if all that I learned is wrong and reality is not what we think it is? Young people are playing with very advanced virtual reality that keeps getting more sophisticated and convincing every day. When we will develop quantum computers, the border between what’s real and what is imagined will become blurrier. All we need is the computing power.

Serious scientists, including physicists, are awakening to new possibilities investigating old ideas with new technology. We built our modern science upon our ability to test and measure theories. There are many theories out there. Multiple universes, Matrix, and others. People have been questioning the validity of what we call reality for thousands of years. Major worldwide religions came up with ideas that seemed to contradict our Western beliefs until recently. Now, with renewed interest in spirituality, we see some similarities.

We are discovering astonishing facts when we use the latest technologies. The material world that we didn’t question for most of written history seems to be less solid than we thought. If we magnify what we assume are the building blocks of reality, we come up with nothing. The smallest particles of the atoms are mostly energy, with hardly any material substance at all. What we consider solid is only so at a certain frequency. 

Other scientists are deep into the study of dreams. In the biblical days, dreams were very important but later became fairy tales with no significant value. Now they are making a comeback. There is money invested into the study of dreams and their psychological values. There are books published by serious universities and professors.

Another so-called New Age idea that’s becoming a more serious study is the effect of human thoughts, not only on our own bodies but on events in reality. For a long time, people dismissed the idea as just prayers that do not affect reality, but now studies are designed to provide scientific proof that our thoughts can influence events. Researchers have recently been using water for demonstration purposes. The results are indisputable. Human thoughts and beliefs change material substance.

I don’t know where I was pre-birth or will be after this life. I am sure that, that which I call “me” will still be conscious.

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