Monday, 3 October 2022

Material, or Spiritual?


Material, or Spiritual?

A few thousand years ago, humans were scared of the fall that became winter. The sun, the giver of life, was disappearing more each day. They had to do things as directed by their spiritual leaders to avoid disaster, and they did. If they atoned for sins, God would forgive and spring would come. Surprisingly, modern humans like us didn’t advance much beyond that stage. We used science to discover nature but ignored studying spirituality, which moves it.

When I retire for the night, I don’t know where I am going. My faith is not in my hands. If I need any information from that time, I will remember a dream, mostly not. When I wake up, I assume I am continuing from where I left off, but no guarantee. As the light of October shines, a reality shows up, and I assume it is as it should be, where I left off the night before, but I am guessing. I don’t really know it. There is no way to know whether what is a picture in my mind is real or not. It is bits of light converted to a tiny electric pulse that stream into my brain and reforms as a picture.

October 1, 2022, at 6:30 am. The war in Europe intensified. Casualties on both sides. Half a world away, millions of Pakistanis are fighting to stay alive in a flooded country. The Queen, our head of state, was buried at a very expensive funeral. Her son has been crowned King Charles the III. He swore to serve the people as a ruler. Shortly after, the new Prime Minister of Great Britain borrowed colossal sums of money to pay for tax cuts for the rich, plunging its economy into an unprecedented mess that could ruin England and the world’s economy. The poor will suffer the most. Here in Canada, hurricane Fiona devastated the east coast making many people homeless, and hurricane Ian did worst in the US and nearby islands. The true cost of Global Warming is showing and we don’t have a plan on how to live with it if we can.

We were told to learn to live with COVID. People innocently threw caution to the wind. Everyone who saved some money and holidays wanted to travel, shop, and party at the same time. The US life expectancy rates dropped dramatically and Canadian hospitals that were neglected over the years could not cope with the onslaught of patients and a chronic shortage of staff. Older patients who paid for health care for years died in transit while ambulances searched for open emergency wards. The solution recommended was to privatize the health care system but pay for it with public funds.

China became upset and almost violent about America helping Taiwan stay free. To them, Taiwan represents a weakness in their national defense. Germany, now being starved for energy, is abandoning its seventy-year peaceful attitude. Someone exploded holes in the unused gas pipeline under the North Sea, causing untold pollution. Riots sprang up in Iran over the morality police murdering a young woman who neglected to cover her hair with a hijab. Brazil is poised to have a left-wing government, but the army is threatening a coup.

There is a severe drought in Africa and projected food shortages thanks to Ukraine and Russia being at war. Millions may starve. The leader of his majesty’s official opposition in Ottawa comes on the news, proposing a solution to the world’s problems. He is going to fight the Harper/Trudeau carbon tax, yeah. Mr. Poilievre will save us.

Outside my window, there is thick fog covering mountains and forests alike. The fall sun is burning through it and a beautiful world is showing up, starting from the top down.

I am living in a world full of dangerous problems that no person can change. We had time to prepare, but we chose to believe that things will not be that bad. Now it seems as if humans are facing a winter from hell. Some of our governments, like in Russia, are truly energy companies that govern designed to make money but are helpless to deal with what is coming. The emergency preparedness that we were trusting to help is inadequate and falling apart. Who shall I trust?

In the past, people prayed for divine intervention. I believe that the Holy Spirit can help, but I can’t see why it should. As you know, reality is often not as important as what people believe. We act on our beliefs. Our actions, more than our begging God for forgiveness, dictate things in reality. That is why the spiritual leaders always told people what to do or not do and left the decisions up to them.

God didn’t say to pray to Him to save the poor. He said what you do to the poorest amongst you, so you do on to me.

This is an unusual year for disasters. Events are forcing us to face reality head-on. We will cut emissions to the atmosphere if we like it or not and it will not be the carbon tax causing it. There will be fewer pleasure flights and other traveling, but will it not be too late?

I choose to do what I can and have faith spiritually. Those who trimmed their lamps and had extra oil were chosen.

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