Monday, 4 July 2022

A world without God.


 A world without God.

Sometimes I listen to lectures by atheists. People who argue against the existence of God. Some are very intelligent, highly educated, and always very full of themselves. They honestly believe that God was invented by primitives who used the concept of a supreme being to extract gains from other uneducated people. After all, how can we trust a person who makes a living by selling a kingdom in heaven? It is easy for them to make a sound argument. Many humans are doing exactly that. The first test for a person who promotes God is, does he or she exact a worldly price for teaching about God? Are they better off in a material sense than their flock? A person who even has a minute inclination about what God is doesn’t need the wealth that humans hoard or even pleasurable gifts. The foxes have holes; the birds have nests, but the son of man….

Religions that we know of always built monuments, temples, churches, and other houses of worship held in trust for the people. Those are good examples of how faith can unite people to build amazing structures, but they do it for pride, which is not related to a spiritual belief. If your idea of God must have physical proof of being mighty, you do not understand the concept of God. Enjoy your achievements, but the atheists will run you to the ground. One can’t prove the existence of God any more than that God doesn’t exist. One famous atheist who claims to be a scientist said, “don’t tell me about your Sky God, He doesn’t exist. If He did, He wouldn’t allow all the evil in the world”. Does He?

I am thinking about the evil that I witnessed. I am a student of history. It looks to me as if evil wins. It shows that evil rarely stops without the use of force. When force is used, it knows no limits. First, force overcomes evil and later it becomes evil itself. Power is intoxicating to humans.

In the last few generations, we see in the west a steady decline in religions and an increase in atheism. There are still many people who were born into religious faiths and remain faithful, but the numbers are declining. The population is getting more educated. It’s no longer sufficient to subdue women or gays in the name of God, like in Afghanistan, people are looking for spirituality.

Those who were born into religions and follow it religiously are under attack by others demanding a rational explanation. The religious still have a formidable voting block, schools, universities, and property, but less intellectual justification. They lost domination over science. The earth is round, and it’s not the center of the universe. Viruses, not demons, get into people.

Atheists and believers are battling it out over the minds of humans, yet on the side, there is another power greater than both. It remains silent, invisible, and untouchable, but very noticeable. Churches are defending against atheists, while the “old guard” is dwindling, but humans keep believing in God. They can’t define God with human words but believe in His/Her existence and supreme power even over science and nature. A God existed in human minds before writing, the wheel, and fire.

When God created the world, according to the old stories, the first thing He did was “let there be light”. “Light speed” thousands of years later became the fastest speed at which human bodies may travel. Time of life is what humans cherish most, but the speed of light can change time. Time can move forward or in reverse if you move at the speed of light. God doesn’t use “time” to measure things, since what we know about Him is that he had no beginning or end.

Some of humanity’s best thinkers over all ages were theologians and philosophers who always considered God and tried to explain what that force was, but couldn’t. To explain God you must remove human guesses, not add words of explanation. We know what God is not, but not what He is.

Right from the beginning, the people who wrote the Bible insisted that we should not make graven images nor describe God in any human way. The supreme vision can only be realized if you get rid of all other visions.

Michael Angelo described his creations as emerging from the marble when he removed what wasn’t a part of the figure. That is how spiritual people view God. Even the name of God should not be uttered, since it will take away from what He is.

Religions are not spreading as they used to. Science is trying hard to fill the void but failing. Science is only studying what has been or is created but can’t explain the entire picture. Humans are yearning to know more about an invisible being and do not give up. Their numbers are growing and now they call themselves “spiritual”. Why? Most discover it by mistake and know that it’s there.

Some people know that there is a quantum force, working at random, shaping human destiny. It has a purpose that is often unknown until completion. People dream about something and later see it take shape. The atheists and the believers are proven irrelevant. They can join it or lose all credibility. It demands unity.

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