Sunday, 7 November 2021

Prophets and doomsayers.


Prophets and doomsayers.

In the bible, or more accurately the Old Testament, there are people called prophets. When I was a child in Israel, school trips often took us to places associated with prophets. We were used to the prophets of old being talked about as historical figures. Seeing the locations made us believe strongly that they existed and acted as they were portrayed in the scriptures. Although prophets performed several important roles, we children considered them fortune-tellers. Often they would warn kings that if some behaviours and practices didn’t change, there would be hell to pay. If the scriptures are accurate, it happened.

When I was going to university, pre-computer days, more than a few professors touched on the issue of global warming. At the time, it was so far away that we didn’t become alarmed. We knew that someday the sun will burn out, and it didn’t scare us. The idea that it will force our society to move away from burning things seemed ridiculous. Computers in our pockets were just as unbelievable. It was all Science Fiction. The invention of fire was still considered the greatest human achievement ever.

As we were discovering more oil and coal, people started debating if using natural gas wasn’t a better option. I invested in a propane vehicle and saved some money. When a few people raised the alarm, lobbyists paid by energy companies shut them down. Environmentalists said that the atmosphere is not our big toilet and oil companies answered that the world is so big that we will not see a change in our lifetime. We believed the side that fed us. I encountered many people who blame environmentalists for the loss of good jobs. I also know people who made a career in renewables.

Signs of global warming showed up and created interest and fear, especially amongst the youth and women. Women who bear children and often sacrifice themselves for future generations are more interested in forming a safe future. Fighting bravely against all odds, environmental movements gained momentum. Governments addicted to dirty energy profits pretended to be sympathetic. The UN started COPS, Climate Change Conference Of Parties. It is a big conference in which high ideals are discussed and sometimes little bits of action are taken. The underlying goal is to pacify environmental concerns while keeping the economic goals fuelled.

Generally, those who profit from dirty energy try every possible trick to prolong its use, leaving the people after us to solve the problems. Most commonly, they say that we are not ready for a change. Of course, if they took the resources from carbon energy development and applied them to clean energy, the problem would have been history. Building clean energy would provide more jobs than oil does. Research, engineering, construction, financing, all provide work. It would cause an unwanted wealth transfer that only poor people support. That is two-thirds of the human population. The silent majority has much less of a voice. India and China are saying, let us come up to your level of development and we will join you. The thin layer of air around the earth doesn’t get to vote, and the climate is noticeably changing.

Some years ago, I was reading in the Old Testament the words of some prophet. I can’t remember who. It said that at the end of days, men will abdicate their leadership responsibilities and women and children will attempt to take over. I look at COP 26 in Glasgow taking place these last two weeks. Some truths are obvious.

The poor nations most affected by global climate are not there. They don’t have COVID vaccines and are not permitted admission. Rich nations like Canada fill up the seats. Women who lately are making gains in leading countries are underrepresented. Youths who are hand chosen are not in decision-making positions. Most of them, many thousands, are outside demonstrating. Those who can make a difference, like our Prime Minister, are men wearing expensive blue suits and they control the money. I should rephrase, they promise money. The checks are not in the mail.

It seems as if COP is a forum for the pretenders. They promote the idea that they know that human civilization is in danger, but unfortunately, there is not much we can do about it, or if we do, it will take a long time. Yet, every minute that passes by is a moment closer to our doom. It is the little time that we have left to take action. It is the time that we are partying on the Titanic as it heads towards the iceberg. Their orchestra will keep playing as the ship goes down under the icy water.

In the Bible, the prophets Jeremiah and Isaiah predicted the destruction of Israel and Judea. Isaiah accurately saw the end of Babylon. Others foresaw great powers turn to dust. The sad journey of the Jewish people was outlined and their return to the land of their origin was told before it materialized. Now people are expecting the second coming. It is related to the end of the world as we know it. Like the old prophesies, it offers options. Words of the Christ appear on a screen in my mind.

Mothers, don’t cry for me, cry for your children. Sorrow for women with children. Two brothers will sleep in the same bed, one will die and the other survive. Father against son and daughter against mother. There are scary revelations that I have not read in many years. Remembrance day is here and I remember scenes from movies about the great wars. If and when the temperature of the ocean rises and the water will flood the lowlands, it will be worse than what I can imagine. I see thousands of kids in Glasgow marching with banners, warning the world leaders, pleading for their future. The entire picture fills up with smoke from huge chimneys. A clock is ticking, showing that there is still little time. Money drifting in an empty street……………….

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