The Church should apologize.
If you are anything like me you probably feel
like spreading your arms wide and shouting to the sky, “what’s going on?”
It was a short time ago when we were sharing
the pain of so many seniors who were dying alone in their under-funded Care
facilities. Canada, one of the richest nations in the world, found out that our
parents and grandparents received a lower level of care than most industrial
nations offer. When things got rough, the most vulnerable amongst us paid the price.
Our dilapidated health care system that has
been robbed of resources for years by austerity cuts didn’t hold and needed
surgeries were delayed for a long time. We pay but the service we should expect
is no longer there.
When a vaccine was discovered, we found out
that our research facilities, experts, and factories capable of manufacturing
vaccines were long gone leaving us at the mercy of the “markets” far behind
other countries.
As we were reeling, trying to absorb the fact
that Canada is behind, a new news item hit us hard. We who feel comfortable
telling other countries to observe human rights discovered a new historical
reality. When countries like China tell us to straighten our own mess, they
have a provable case. Canada jailed children for the crime of being Native and
hired churches of white people to “take the Indian out of the child” in
Residential schools.
Now using ground-penetrating x-ray
technology, we are seeing how many of those children died and were buried
without ever seeing their families. Like our seniors recently, they died alone
with strangers around who didn’t have enough resources to comfort them or even
give them proper human burial. Social media spread the news fast and the
official news soon caught up. No hiding the facts.
The Prime Minister, eager to protect the
government, jumped on the opportunity to blame the churches, particularly the
Catholic church, demanding that the Pope will apologize and an apology could
lead to demands of money that simply is not there. It could force me to pay for
what a past government caused. Soon after, church buildings were burning on and
around Indian Reserves.
I am all in favour of saying sorry when I am
guilty or paying if I knowingly do wrong. I wasn’t even born when the Canadian
government designed an evil way to rid itself of the past owners of the land. I
would like the church to apologize for participating in what they were
ill-equipped to handle but I don’t think it will bring the expected solution.
If the biggest church on earth is going to do
some soul searching and initiate action to make amends there are issues bigger
than the role it played in the Residential Schools fiasco. The church in one
form or another existed now for two thousand years and other churches sprang
from it. When it started it was a new religion but it was based on a much older
Until Christianity religious faiths were
competing on different grounds. It was a test between whose God is more
powerful. The people who worshipped Gods didn’t think in theological or
philosophical ways. They “feared” God not “believed” in God. Often religions
won or lost by torturing people, starving them to submission, or chasing them
out of their countries.
The Catholic church was one of the pioneers
of bringing health and education as a tool for conversion but failed miserably
to notice the biggest drawback. Based on the Jewish faith, it adopted a
patriarchal system that set half of humanity against the other half. It failed
to follow Christ in treating males and females equally, and all others followed
suit. In the process gospels and teachings were destroyed or went missing, only
to be rediscovered recently. That is the bigger problem that must be corrected
ahead of all others and the hierarchy is not ready to reconsider.
The Israelites in biblical times treated
women as property belonging to a father, husband, or another family. Women were
looked after, not independent equals. Pope Gregory the Great declared Marie
Magdalene a harlot and remained so with no proof until 1969 when the Church
clarified that the theory lacked any basis.
In 1945 we discovered the Gnostic gospels
revealing that early Christians believed that women, especially Marie
Magdalene, were treated as equal by Christ. Magdalene started the Christian
faith by being the first witness to the resurrection. Compare that to Paul, who
only saw Christ in a dream.
There are people around the world claiming to
be the lost tribes of Israel, most notable the people of Afghanistan today. It
seems as if the Church adopted their view of women instead of the teachings of
Christ. This historical mistake formed modern human social order and is still
at play today.
We have formed woman's nature not as the half
of humanity that is able to produce new humans but as humans who need special
consideration from the males. We see it clearly in our fight for males to have
the right to use women and control what they wear and do with their bodies. We
see it evident in trials about sexual abuse and it affected First Nations women
most severely.
The aboriginal nations in North America often
had costumes that allowed women better consideration than Europeans had. The
European migrants assumed that technological superiority was equal to moral and
religious superiority which led us to today’s problems.
In my humble opinion, the biggest church in
the world should consider updating its information and seriously entertaining
sweeping changes. There is no shame in learning new things and changing
behaviours accordingly. Each of us has done so many times.
If we are going to ask for apologies, I would
go for the big one first. If a Pope is going to apologize, I would ask for an
apology to the 52% of humans who are females.
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