Monday, 3 May 2021

Freedom of speech test.


Freedom of speech test.

One thing I can say about myself with little doubt. I speak my mind openly. In Israel most people do and in Canada, there is more British influence. Perhaps we can summarize by saying people expect more diplomacy. The culture is more refined.

The cultural rules that guide communication should not be designed to make opinions vague, but perhaps soften the blow. Truth should be true, and the rest is a method of delivery. We don’t say to a person; you are a liar; we say what you told me is a bit disingenuous. However, all of us seem to be confused about freedom of speech and Human Rights.

At university, one professor used to tell a story. Apparently, a guest speaker that people didn’t like came to give a talk. Students locked up the exit doors where he was speaking and pulled the fire alarm. The prank ended up with ambulances delivering the injured and the police arresting the pranksters. The story was meant to teach us that there are limits to freedom of speech.

I have been getting messages from acquaintances for about a year now, trying to convince me that there is no threat from the COVID pandemic. Some even have a video with a fake archbishop and others show teams of white-gowned “doctors” awkwardly using medical terms saying that we are being fooled by a conspiracy theory about a virus. One person mixed up old statistics claiming that all the deaths in America are now being portrayed as COVID-related.

In the last couple of weeks, the campaign intensified. I am receiving a barrage of “evidence” from an old friend. A big factor in those is the hoax that they make the vaccines from aborted babies. I researched and followed up on some sources. Needless to say, it comes from old and proven Far Right organizations. The Americans have a few Far-Right outlets and we have our own far-right News that even the Tories don’t use. They are all complaining that their freedom of speech is being censored by Internet organizations. I am surprised that no one is suing them for the deaths resulting from their activity.

Why are the Far-Right or Alt-Right organizations making an effort and spending a lot of money to lead people to act dangerously? It’s easy to understand. The people who are now on top of the world are scared of the virus. Not because it kills, they got their shots, but because it is threatening their domination over other people.

COVID revealed to people that our economy could function differently than the way it does. Mainly it shows that our countries can survive without everyone working all of their free time or being constantly terrified of not having a job. The “bug” revealed that people will tell you to believe their stories instead of fighting for your life. Now we know that the economy can go on with a lot less make busy work. Mostly we need the essential workers. We can borrow money from our bank and payback with our work as long as nobody skims the profits. We can supply all that we need with a little trading on the side. The world would be better off. In the seventies, we planned to do it, but greed got in the way.

A year ago there was no vaccine and predictions floated that it will take 5 years to get one. The only defence was social isolation or we would end up like India is now. The President was telling people not to worry, and the USA topped the world in COVID deaths. Now we have vaccines and the people are being influenced not to use them. Noone is considering who and why is advocating the voluntary destruction of our society.

I don’t consider it Free Speech or a human rights issue. I have a copy of the Bill of Rights on my wall. It is all about improving our lives and protecting us. Nothing about disobeying the government’s health rules and risking lives.

I find it difficult to listen politely to my “friends” who in this case are trying to risk my life by telling me to listen to them instead of to my doctor. Will they pay for my funeral? We have a lot of funerals. Did they buy shares in the funeral industry?

All humans know that life as we know it ends with death. We try to stay alive as long as life is pleasant. Should I take the word of a “friend” and die or the other way. Should I be careful, use a vaccine and let nature or God deal with the virus as it always does.

My guess is, do what I can, trust our best minds, follow our government’s skimpy advice, and remain alive. I don’t need to sacrifice my life to keep the existing social order intact.

Consider the other option. If the pandemic is left unchecked, the hospitals will overflow with COVID cases. Our Canadian doctors will have to decide like the “selection” doctors did in the German concentration camps and treat only those who have the best chance to live for a year. People like me will not pass the test, and my doctor may have to let me go for lack of ICU beds. It may happen very soon. We have executed all the “selection” doctors after the war in 1945. Do we want to honour the wishes of the “freedom” fighters and not follow government directions for public safety?

I respect my friends, who circulate propaganda against what all the governments say is a serious threat. I don’t want to remove their RIGHT for free speech or their “RIGHT” not to wear a mask away. Yet, my right to live will be denied if their assumed constitutional freedom is allowed to win. If we end up like India, they and all those who support them will be responsible.

Remember. The numbers you see on your devices' screens and in News Papers are real people.

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