The Party is Over!
I am
considered old now and the people of my generation don’t envy me. We live a
long life but being old is not popular. My generation, which we shaped ourselves,
idolizes youth. We wanted to change what was wrong with the world, and the
change had to be done by young people. The others called us the Baby Boomers
and we overwhelmed them by numbers. A whole lot of us became teenagers around
the same time, and we did what teens normally do, namely rebel against
everything. Our generation had lofty ideas, like ending wars, eliminating racial
segregation, equalizing the genders and escaping the hold of the old churches
over our souls. Out in the streets, we went singing “we shall overcome” and look
at what we have done.
In the
process, we worshiped youth and threw away the traditional belief that old
people have experience and sometimes wisdom. Our old people were the people of
the great wars. Folks who survived, often by obeying horrible dictators like
Stalin, Hitler, and others. They wore formal clothes, cut their hair short, religiously
shaved and believed in maintaining discipline by force. They hung on to the
little they had and didn’t believe in creativity and risk-taking. Life was
regimented and people knew their place.
A period of
affluence followed the war and a large middle-class grew, with baby boomers
riding the wave. We arrived upon the earth when the Great Depression effects
were still fresh on people’s minds and horrible wars were a reality not a
chapter in history books. Our parents had been through it. There were so many
of us and most were heading towards becoming the envied middle class that lived
in relative prosperity and peace, such as never existed before. We rode on the
coat tales of FD Roosevelts “New Deal” which made not just America but most of
the world great.
It was my
generation that broke through the stratosphere and sent people to space. We
were the people who first used the birth control pill and made music in the
park all night long, marched on Washington demanding voting rights, eliminated
the draft, death penalties (in most places) and successfully implemented Health
Care everywhere but in the United States. Our girls invented and used modern
makeup, cosmetic surgeries, proper dental care, exercise for the masses and
feminism as a human right.
Now the
party is over and the cleanup crew has not arrived yet. I and the rest of the
BabyBoomers, Hippies that turned Yappies are still alive. Some have pacemakers
and others need hip replacements or dialysis but we are still alive. Eyes fixed
by laser surgeries shed a tear when we think about missed opportunities and
building up a culture where youth and wealth determine success. We may still
have the home in the suburbs and drive a fancy SUV, but our kids unsuccessfully
pursue our old goals of getting ahead and left us hanging out to dry or placed
us in a lodge to be attended by newcomers also striving for Yappy ideals.
When we
removed our Hippy hair and hand embroidered or tie-died shirts in favor of
business suits and traded singing We Shall Overcome for airplane vacations, credit
cards, and framed certificates, the world changed. Our generations cheated and bullied
its way to fake prosperity leaving mountains of garbage and scorched earth in
its wake. Our attitude of “fly now and pay later” was good for a short while
but now is later, and we are still around wrinkled, bald and gray hiding behind
manufactured rock facades and wrinkle reducing creams on our faces. The
children we raised to believe they own the world with no need to pay with the hardships
that our parents faced are trying not to miss their chance and destroying what's
left of the world even faster.
I was
watching a popular political commentary this morning telling about oil
companies that are moving out since we have regulations demanding a clean up
after drilling. The new government apparently is going to change it. They
believe that economics is more important than ecology. Great, I murmured, since
my people, the baby boomers will get the benefits while the millennials will
figure out who will pay for the cleanup.
forefathers came to this land wild and harsh as it was. They cleared the
natives, animals, forests, and insects and raised us to do the same. We were on
a mission to conquer nature and make it efficiently produce wealth for us. We
got rid of the people who built and served and replaced them with automation fueled
by oil and gas. Our mega-corporations and banks that are too big to fail were
able to control governments and take advantage of the planet's resources and
most of its population, but now the party is over.
We taxed
everything to pay for our pleasure. Freshwater is disappearing and the air is no
longer cleaning the pollution or acting as it should, or regulating the
weather. Floods, fires, droughts, and hurricanes became common and millions of
people are adversely affected but the majority of Albertans I normally meet say
it's not so. Seeking the comforts and pleasures we used to have, they declare “false
news” and walk away in order not to argue. If the news bothers them, they
choose not to watch the news.
Now it is
too late for me to demonstrate or march against governments which may ruin my
grandkids lives. I am old and being old is not fashionable. I fought for
justice, I worked for my home and pension, and all I can hope for is that they
don’t take my health care away, or I will fight. I sit and patiently wait for
my kids to visit and write about what I have learned. Perhaps some young people
will revive the old tradition. The tradition of appreciating old people for
their experience and wisdom.
is a link to my blog: Feel
free to check other articles and comment.

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