They stole our name,
but we are the true Conservatives.
I wasn’t going to write about politics, but someone chastised me for not
being a Conservative while supposedly I owe a lot to the Conservative party. I
have been a Progressive
Conservative Albertan since 1968 when I was sold
on the Peter Lougheed message. He started
the party from nothing and became the Premier in 1971 if my memory serves me right. He set us up so well that his
party remained in power for 44 years until it was
changed beyond recognition. A true
leader, he was, concerned with the people
of Alberta and proud of being a Canadian.
Lougheed was
born and raised in Alberta, an athletic, Harvard graduate and above all a privileged
guy who shared his good luck with others for the good of all. His educated
vision was for Alberta to use the temporary prosperity from oil and build a prosperous
clean, attractive province for future generations. Investments in education,
health care, and other social ventures are paying off to this day. Oil boomed, but
oil corporations knew he was the boss. Hospitals and universities sprung up, Alberta
Energy company insured that we prosper and Alberta became a destination for
people seeking a good future.
After a brief change over, Peter was replaced by Ralph Klein who was the opposite.
A not very athletic, high school dropout, Ralph sold the goose for a few golden
eggs. My Conservative party now dismantled the legacy of Lougheed, sold the
assets, spent the savings, and allowed us to become a one big company town owned
by private corporations.
Move forward to 2019, when the contest is wedged between champions of the
two theories. On the right side is Jason Kenney an Ontario born Saskatchewan
raised, man who dropped out of a US Jesuit University, was active in the Young
Liberals and moved to Alberta to be elected as a Conservative. He and another
Albertan Stephen Harper led the Federal government for ten years never
completing even one of our pipelines that we have going east which would have
guaranteed Canada energy independence. A pipeline east now would have provided a
market for the oil which Peter Lougheed invested so much of our tax dollars to develop.
On the left side of the rink, we have a small but smart Alberta woman who
grew up seeing the Lougheed advantage and under another banner decided to
revive the Alberta Advantage. Just like Lougheed, she believes that investing
in the people, infrastructure and diversifying the economy is the answer. The
only main difference is, she is doing it while the province is suffering greatly
from low world oil prices and from mistakes made before her time. Most of
Alberta’s advantage has been sold, and those who bought it are trying to squeeze
the last few pennies out, often at the expanse of Albertans.
Not surprisingly the fight between “left” and “right” is most noticeable
in countries and provinces where there is oil. The people who own the oil,
since it is on their lands, often are pushing “left” since they wish to benefit
from their resources. We have all known for years that oil will come to an end
since we recorded Lougheed saying it. The question has always been, who will
get the money and what will they do with it. Peter wanted to make the future
bright for all Albertans, and those who followed him chose to give it to
outside companies and friends in exchange for staying in power.
My Alberta
which I invested a lifetime of work to
make better for my children and their children is not going the way I thought
it would. The lady Premier is investing in children, elders, public education, transportation,
diversified economy, families and health facilities, just as, Lougheed did. Her efforts are challenged by a New party that stole the
name Conservatives doing what I consider damage to those of us who built the
A party,
supported by some rural Canadians and a lot of new immigrants is threatening to
reverse the good work that she is doing. A political force that wants us to
work for less, reduce taxes for those who are taking our resources, privatize our health care, charge us
to use our roads, reduce money for our schools
giving it to private schools and fighting against our efforts to reduce pollution,
is gaining in the polls. They do it by spending vast
amounts of money on marketing as I see on expensive electronic billboards.
I am truly afraid that The Conservatives of my
generation, and probably the parents of most of you, are losing the fight to outside “investors”
who don’t have our province’ best interest in mind. They will skim the
cream off the top and leave us to fight the floods and fires on our own. They
will not worry about how we will afford
to clean up after them and find ways to
feed ourselves after the need for oil is
gone. All those who came here in the boom times will go, and all of Alberta will be like a coal mining
town after coal was no longer needed.
I have the
fortune of remembering the last fifty years in Alberta and the ability to assess
what I saw and pass it on to younger generations. I will not be affected much by what is taking place, but I
care about my children and the future of this province and the world around it.
I also care about the investment that a lot of people that are now gone made in
this place.
I am a
Progressive Conservative, as were most people who worked with me to make this a great place for our future generations. No
one with a fake interest in what we were doing is going to say that I am not. This is my opinion anyway.
is a link to my blog: Feel
free to check other articles and comment.
The man who invented modern Alberta, and the woman who made it possible.
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