The road to happiness is straight ahead.
I believe that a human is created in the image of God. What is God is a harder question to answer. My good friend who has native blood in his veins said that God is the creator. In that case, let's assume that human is also a creator. Perhaps I can create one miracle. Feeling the responsibility of being a creator upon my shoulders, I went asking people what they see as the most important change we should make to this world. Some answered fast while others took time to think about it, but the same answer came forth. If people had one wish, they would ask for PEACE. Humans are scared most of the other humans. Why?
There are a number of good reasons big and small. Most obvious is the fact that people need a space on earth and need to eat. Breathing and drinking water are also important, but it used to be guaranteed, which it is no more. Next comes the need to be safe from other humans who will kill you to take what you have, followed closely by enterprising folks who will use you and discard you. That is a problem for us all but more pronounced for the 52% humans who are females.
There is a war between the various races of humans. A war between the rich and the poor, between national groups, religious groups, those who feel entitled to more than others, people who have other sexual attractions, various moral codes and of course the gender war. The biggest reason of all is who will control the world.
People fight for control at all levels, and we can see it even in the behavior of toddlers. In history, the conflict was between rulers who managed to build empires and use their populations as great armies, and slowly it shifted to economic control dictated by those who have the most money and want to rule the world at any cost.
A lot of the super-rich people are innocent of this charge. People who worked hard in some given field and are living according to their means are not the problem and often contribute greatly to philanthropic causes. Often their initiative is advancing peace. Others resort to cheating the rules while others abuse whole populations, and even cause wars. You can count in the weapon manufacturers, who must have wars and those who use energy as currency to gain and keep power. It is hard to sift out who is in which camp, so all get blamed.
The small percentage of rich people who have something to do with wars have bought into the Neo-Liberal or Extreme Right theory and are now using their considerable resources in politics, while the unaware masses are buying in simply by following well-crafted marketing campaigns. The ideas are simple. Lower taxes (mostly for corporations), reduce government regulations and keep out people who may water down profits. Big anti-immigration sentiment has been artificially created. Next comes demands to increase regulations on those who hinder business ventures, ( environmental reasons for example,) increase taxes on the lower economic classes or reducing their government services, and often place restrictions on organizing labor, minimum wage opposition and alike.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
[Remarks on the first anniversary of the Alliance for Progress, 13 March 1962]”
― John F. Kennedy
The people around the world are trying peaceful demonstrations, getting arrested beaten and sometimes killed. Many more suffer financial ruin and ridicule even by the most powerful person in the world. The situation is not improving since a great number of political leaders, as well as many media outlets, are subject to pressure from big money.
Since the argument in favor of a few taking the resources of the many, is so weak, they are pressured to use an old technique called lying. Nothing is new under the sun.
“There is nothing in the record of the past two years when both Houses of Congress have been controlled by the Republican Party which can lead any person to believe that those promises will be fulfilled in the future. They follow the Hitler line - no matter how big the lie; repeat it often enough and the masses will regard it as truth.”
― John F. Kennedy
This is a quote from 1962. Many of us remember the campaign that led the US and not so great, Great Britain to wage war on Iraq. Repeated lies, followed by millions killed and, sorry, sorry, we made a mistake.
I purchased a greeting card. It wishes “Health peace and prosperity” to the recipient. Being made in the image of the creator I want to give health but it is already given. Most ailments are healed by themselves. I wish to give prosperity, but I live in a very prosperous province of a prosperous country. With many years of plenty behind us, every person here should be prosperous if the wealth would have been shared. I want to give peace, but peace is not possible when so many people are continuously abused for reasons they can not change. What I can do, with my power to create is to convince people to use the power they already have and strive for equality.
Two forces fight to subjugate most humans. Communism, which is now defeated and Alt-Right Fascism. Peace will be possible when we get together and insist that both will be securely neutralized by “we the people.”
Women accept pay to be tortured on pornographic movies or to marry into wealth. Kids are starving or trafficked for sex and labor. People from countries where disaster or war strike are forced to beg for their lives and often perish. The solution is out of the hands of the creator since people have free will which they must exercise.
Peace, the most coveted commodity, is possible if most of us instead of complaining will demand that our leaders will create conditions that will allow it. Be not afraid.
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