The story that we tell ourselves.
I was carrying my hotdog, fries, and drink in
Costco and there was no free table to sit at. A voice by my elbow said, “You
are welcome to sit here. I am almost finished.” It was an old guy with long
hair and a beard, much like me. Thanks, I said, sat down, and introduced
ourselves. There was some fierceness to him. I knew someone with your last
name, I said, he was my professor at University. The old guy surprised me and
said, yes, he was my brother. He is gone now. It made me sad. He said he was in
Lethbridge for a class 50-year reunion. Wow!
He told me he visited the Crowsnest Pass the
day before, to see a friend who couldn’t travel anymore. Tomorrow, he said, he
was going back home to work. Work? I took a deep breath. He was at least eighty
years old. Apparently, he is supervising some task force to save one of the Great
Lakes on the American side. His brother, who was teaching me in the
mid-seventies, exposed me to the idea that we will be fighting for the planet’s
survival now, trying to prolong human civilization against people willing to
destroy it for short-term gains. What a family! Why are some people willing to
devote their lives to future human beings whom they will never know? They have
a story that they are living here on earth. This guy had a good story. I know
many who have dreadful stories. They accumulate wealth and care nothing about
others of their kind. They attach their lives to their “investment portfolio.”
Everyone has stories, and to some degree, the
stories form their reality. The reality is not what we want it to be, but all
our thoughts. Your story includes all your fears, dirty thoughts, deceptive
actions, hopes, and dreams, and yes, also your wishes. Those of us who pray
mostly tell the cosmic God what we wish for or ask for forgiveness for things
we shouldn’t have done in the first place. Often, we include excuses forgetting
that the God we are praying to knows all that we are hiding. When we say “God”
we have a story in our mind about what God is. He or she, if you wish, is all
of what the story says, but there is no cheating. Cheating is only available
for living humans and there is a price for it. He is a loving, forgiving God,
but we call Him Father or our Father in heaven. A loving father is always
concerned with how the children are brought up. If he teaches them to cheat,
steal, and so on, he is not a good father. He will pay a price just like anyone
I invested a good portion of my life in
studying subjects like memories. It is fascinating how it works. A game is
played in each human mind. The experts say that we are our memories, but it’s
not as simple as that. We forget much more than we remember. “How soon we
forget.” What we remember is not what really happened, but the last version we
made up the last time we focused on it. The reaction of others who may have the
same memories also becomes a part of our memories.
When someone is telling a story, we often
hear them say, “everyone has seen it. It’s true.” Not so, as any court official
can witness. People remember the same event in different ways. The memories are
tainted by what they want to prove, which will match their personal interests.
They will be convinced that their story is true, but a camera may prove
otherwise. Even a camera is not foolproof, since a human interprets what the
camera records. Interpretations may not be the same. The angle of the camera
matters. A portrait can be complementary or damning. It will change the story.
Now, in the year 2022, the story of most
humans has changed. The story of the last hundred years was full of hope and
promise. All eyes were trained on the West and its ever-growing economies. The
political system of democracy insured a fair chance of success. People
willingly worked, saved, and invested. Billions of people not fortunate enough
to share in the good life could see on the newly invented electronic devices’
screens that a better story is possible, and they dreamed. The bubble of hope
grew thinner and busted. The elite class consolidated its power and democracy
lost the ability to guarantee a reasonably good life in exchange for work.
Beginning in China, a movement started
spreading amongst the young to give up and do nothing. Young people don’t
foresee a future like their parents had and give up on the American dream. They
don’t have children, don’t buy homes and work to improve them, and rarely
bother with higher education. They expect the world to burn down, flood out, or
be destroyed by nuclear weapons. Many live on a trip of illicit drugs or
alcohol. In China, they no longer are willing to work 9 to 9 for $10,000 a year
and here they don’t wish to work for the benefit of large monopolies and
There is a better story. People working for a
better world for all. It can start somewhere and spread amongst all humans. It
must start amongst those who have got; not fought over by those who have not.
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