Sunday, 28 August 2022

What do we want?


 What do we want?

The first thing that every living organism wants is to stay alive here on earth. We may say we believe in eternal bliss and life after death, but we do all we can to stay alive here, even if it’s not an ideal life at all. Some people suffer greatly and wish for an end, but others step in to keep them alive. I hear over and over the saying, ”save lives” and no one dares to end lives since it’s a crime to do so. People say only God can give life and take life away.

The quality of life is another story. Nations exploit other nations to take away what they can. Corporations exploit countries and communities. Groups, races, and religions force others like them to live in poverty and misery, often making them hand over not just their natural resources but also the fruits of their labour.

Some years ago, the Western nations, including Canada, waged war on one of the poorest countries, Afghanistan. We avenged 9/11, which they didn’t do, changing the goal midway to change their culture, treatment of women, and political system. They won the war and we take revenge by freezing their savings and causing starvation of the poorest amongst them. We know we will not change them that way, but we need to feel superior even if women there will suffer the most.

When people don’t need to fight to stay alive, they strive for a better quality of life. Any and all humans would like an easy, safe way to live if possible. In my experience, very few people say I have enough and I will give the rest away. We are all insecure hoarding for the future, which is a mystery to us.

I was born into a world of roughly two billion people. The world was considered limitless. My kind of people, mostly referred to as white, viewed the earth as our possession. We had a dream. Working people like us didn’t dream about being millionaires since a class system governed our kind. Royalty and the real high class was a stuff for stories. For us, there was the American dream. People didn’t strive to go to Communist-controlled areas, but all eyes were on the US, including Canada, as a part of it. It was the America that rose from Roosevelt’s dream of the New Deal.

Working people who came back from a long war wanted union jobs, little homes in the suburbs, a car, and basic needs guaranteed. Medical and educational facilities, shorter work hours, a little holiday, often camping, and the newest gadgets that were now mass produced. I remember the adults talking about getting things that are well-made and fixable. Shoes and suits often were made by local craftspeople, and there were millions of little family-run businesses. America and Canada were campaigning for emigrants to come over.

The American dream was achieved, but the population didn’t stay at two billion people. The rest of the world, which was not “white,” began to catch up. People in what we viewed as poor remote places, such as Africa and Asia, bought into the American dream also, but without being set up to achieve it. All that humans needed was the idea of the dream.

Now we have eight billion people in the world. Communism is mostly gone and where it still exists, like in China, it is mostly only a name. No longer does the highest class of people fear the hoards of workers organizing a revolution and executing the elites to take their wealth and share it. It never worked in the first place. Cheating, stealing, and bribing work much better. Money can buy politicians, judges, media, and all other tools of power. Socialism, which birthed Communism, can be used by the rich, like in the case of “too big to fail”, and portrayed as the enemy of the working people.

A good example is a medical system in the United States. It serves only some of the people, leaving many millions of people to fend for themselves, yet it costs more per capita than the Canadian system that serves 100% of our population unless the government starves it.

I find that most people want the comfort and living conditions they see the rich enjoying. They know they can’t have it, so they settle for cheap imitations. Not everyone’s grandfather had a chain of pleasure houses as grandfather Trump is alleged to have operated in New York. Some luck out and make a fortune by their own merit, but most make do serving the rich.

Those who serve, or live where there is no hope, are just waiting for an opportunity to turn the tables and be on top. They know from history that it will come. Those called “The have got” try to fortify their wealth and protect it, but there is no way to do it. The leaders of the Roman Empire hired foreign mercenaries who took over the Empire, and it was forever repeated. The only way is to limit the temptations and be reasonable with how much each takes. This can only be done voluntarily since we don’t start the game with an even playing field.

Humans must kill the ego or give the Earth to the next life form that nature will provide.

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