Stars above or below.
Most of the people in my social circle pride themselves on how many places in the world they visited. There is a competition to tell where you have been and where you are planning to go next. My daughter talks about holidays versus “airplane holidays.” I understand. Society shapes us from an early age and we don’t realize that we do what is expected of us, often to line the bank accounts of others with money that we borrow. Lately, we found out how much of our economy is fed by tourism.
I have another way to enjoy my time on Earth, which doesn’t cost money. I enjoy looking at the stars. Those shiny specks above me that are visible at night fascinate me. We call famous people in entertainment and sports stars, but they are far from it. Often I will look at the stars above Turtle Mountain and move my gaze to see more. There is always more.
Most of those shiny pinpoints of light are far in a hostile universe. An unprotected human can’t survive away from Earth. Seven are planets, many are stars like our sun and many more are galaxies made up of billions of stars but visible as one speck of light. Recently we the humans figured out that material which we call matter can’t accelerate faster than the speed of light. Building spaceships and rockets will not take us to the stars. Also, if we managed to go, time would work differently. By the time we would return, the world we knew would be forever changed.
I look above me and think, most of the visible universe is no longer the way I see it. It takes light so many years to travel to my eye and what I see has changed by the time I see it. If I could travel faster than light, much faster, I would not find the stars I am looking at in the same place. Are there other planets like earth somewhere out there? Possibly, but there is only one planet that can sustain the kind of life that we know exists. It is Earth and we believe (mostly) that it was created by a deity we named God.
I couldn’t find any records of ancient humans who didn’t believe in God. The modern-day atheists talk about Karma referring to what we used to call God. We have a great wealth of prehistorical and historical records of very advanced civilizations on our planet. The Babylonians and Sumerians seem to be our ancestors and they recorded some beings called Anunakies. Those are depicted in ancient art as having wings, and our Christian angels have wings. Our most holy people are recorded ascending to the heavens above. Of course, we could say that they went down depending on which side of the earth was up. People built the tower of Babylon to get closer to heaven. It is always people trying to get higher up, to be closer to God.
Why do people who are supposed to be made in the “image” of God wish to go “up” and be like God? He, or some say she, is almighty and eternal. We are told that He creates things out of nothing. All of us would like to have those qualities without considering that we would all be God like and we are not smart enough to deal with that kind of power. In the meantime, we just work to get higher and higher like a moth flying into a flame.
The most sophisticated existing thing that we ever observed is the human brain. We know relatively very little about our brains, but we are trying to increase its natural power by using Artificial Intelligence. We know that we are consciousness and there is a power greater than what we understand that we call subconsciousness. It operates our bodies and possibly the universe. If it evolved or was created it is superior to the part of our brains, we know how to use.
Biblical stories often refer to dreams. In dreams, humans interacted with God. Primitive people were using natural substances to heighten their natural abilities and even travel out of the body. As we gained scientific knowledge, we neglected the study and even killed those who specialized in the arcane before they could pass on their knowledge. The modern “science-religion” won over the old science of Shamanism spiritualism and magic, now considered primitive. An age of consumerism triumphed. We lost important supernatural know-how in favor of owning lots of manufactured “things” and airplane trips. Was it a good trade-off?
I think that the God part that is in us permits us to create and to travel to and beyond the stars. What we need to do is shift our great potential power to another channel and work in the right direction. There is no need to own a lot of useless material things at the expense of poor people who make them. We don’t need to always be in another place than where we are either. It consumes our resources and destroys our only world.
Instead, we have the option of working towards improving the lives of all who are around us, providing what they need to simply live an enjoyable life. It will bring down the ever-increasing population numbers.
There is an option to study the human God power inside us and the mysterious consciousness which never dies. It can change as we see in dreams and hypnosis or under anesthetics, but it is spiritual, not material. The soul which is the real us can travel to the stars and we can be more conscious of it than we are if we try.
My soul, which I call “me” is able to grow me a body, travel, and according to my religious faith, be with God. I don’t need to be dead for it to happen, but I need more effort to discover its mysteries.
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