Now I am
a mad Albertan.
“Quit crying
and start thinking,” said Dad and I took a deep breath, wiped my tears and
sobered up. Now sixty-six years later Dad’s advice is still good. Allow me to
share it with my fellow Albertans. It works every time.
So, our
biggest oil consumer became our biggest energy competitor and we are hurting,
or at least a quarter of us do. Let’s assess our situation without tantrums,
name-calling, empty threats and “nobody loves me” pouting. Oil prices will
remain low, public pressure against oil is growing, transporting oil will
remain a problem and while investments in clean energy are growing, financial
institutions and politicians are divesting. It is the reality if we believe it
or not. It will change back in the US also after the next elections. No crying
folks, we have more than one basket of eggs here. We have our long-neglected
farmers, ranchers, tourism, industries, educated workforce, great attractive
infrastructure, other natural resources, you name it. Alberta is great.
still on average have the highest income per family in Canada, that is why we
pay higher Transfer Payments, and if we don’t force our economy to slow down,
we are on a road to recovery. It's all in what we choose to believe. When
your car goes into a skid you “look and steer in the direction you want your
vehicle to go.” Don’t lock the breaks.
all around me want to blame Trudeau, forgetting that our Premier could be
competing with him on a personal level. He would like Trudeau to be out of the
way when he may run for PM job someday. If you were the PM and two-thirds of
Canadians voted for parties fighting to reduce Climate Change would you openly
reduce regulations and advocate increasing the oil production? Justin Trudeau
wants the money and is doing all he can regardless of his personal beliefs. He
can’t change the minds of all Canadians aside from us by waving a magic wand.
Global warming is happening and only the blind are not seeing it. What we hope
for is to have a fair share of the market for the transition period.
My political
hero is the first Conservative Premier of Alberta. He set us up towards a
bright future that we are still benefiting from. Thanks to his planning we
should have had a large base of technology trained Albertans and could have
been competing with Silicon Valley. We should have had modern cities and towns
advanced and comfortable for workers to live and work in. Above all, he set up
the Heritage Fund which properly maintained could have been enough to build a
brand new economy by itself. No other province or State could compete with us.
Lougheed knew that oil was “a temporary boon” based on non-renewable resources.
It turned out that we have more oil and gas than we can use, but we must not
use it if we wish to go on living. The results are the same. We and our
neighbours may fight to keep Hydro Carbon going but will lose.
We can’t
reasonably demand that the Federal government will commit political suicide and
send the army to force millions of people to agree to take a chance on their
future when they are already suffering from the changing climate. It is time
for Plan B. The temporary irresponsible behaviour of Mr. Trump isn’t going to
I hope that
a wise Prime Minister will find a way to stop Canada from importing oil
and use our own. This will not materialize unless we work together forgetting
politics for a while. All parties concerned must figure out a strategy, plan
implementation and a lot of public education is needed.
So far in the
last six months, a significant reduction in corporate taxes has made no change.
A pipeline is being built and the statistics are the same. I think now we can
understand all the Canadian fishing industry people who lost their livelihood a
while back. We have to make changes and we may need the help of the rest of
Canada someday, but I hope not.
If I had a
say I would recommend that we get help to build a robust, clean energy sector.
I would make higher education free for all who can prove proper aptitude, scrap
student debts and properly reward graduates. I would make our health care and
tourism industries the best in the world so people will see what we have and
wish to live and work here. If Alberta is open for business, I would make it
the best place to open and operate small businesses and sing the glory of those
who do it right so others will see.
We should
have the money to do it all in our savings account, the Heritage Fund. If the
money is not there, instead of hating the rest of Canada enough to separate, we
should investigate who got rid of it and why. We had a workable plan, and if we
didn’t follow it I, an Albertan, want to know what replaced it and how it will be
fixed now. If I sound upset, I am. It is time to quit crying and start
Every week
head offices are moving out and our suicide rates are growing. BC without oil
is surpassing us in growth and others soon will. What we need is not more
political heroes but smart hard-working Albertans in a leadership capacity. Is
there someone like Lougheed and if you know him or her, bring them forward.

Calgary Sun
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